Monday, August 29, 2016

Life Resolved

Life Resolved (2016)

The many enlightened human spirits of this world are sentient, self-aware bands of two-dimensional energy... interacting with one another subjectively, through an objective and tangible 3-D medium.

Time is not real.

Because time is not real, these creatures forget that there are dimensions above and below them. They only know what their socially conditioned senses tell them. Which is... not much.

There is no such thing as death, only a transition. A brief toggle switch. 

Life is an infinite chamber of mirrors. You cannot catch the original in the sea of reflections.

I myself may be an original. And if so, then why am I alive? Simply to be original or to be alive?

Look out to any point with a telescope powerful enough, and you will see bits of energy vibrating 13+ billion years ago... the very same bits of energy that are a part of you in present time.

Outrun the speed of light, and you will travel backwards through time itself.

Isn't that what the tachyon does? This theoretical particle is said to always travel faster than light. How can that be?

A paradox. 

Death is but a passing feeling. It is not real.

Life cannot be bought or sold. It is real.

It simply is, and always will be.

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