Friday, September 2, 2016

Science Fiction Concepts Part III

Science Fiction Concepts Part III (2016)

Mind's Eye Programming - The programming of a sentient and self-aware individual through repeated visuals. Rather than requiring the individual to spend hours poring over text, this learning protocol allows an individual to know the core knowledge of nearly any field of science, art, music, or history, simply by viewing certain visual patterns pre-assigned to those fields of study. This system belief implies that most of Cosmic Knowledge exists in a state that is locked inside the individual's mind; it merely needs a catalyst to get it out the mind's depths and into the individual's control and disposal. Under this concept, the said catalyst is visual because most sentient and self-aware beings are highly reliant and dependent on their visual sense.

Entrapment Wire - The entrapment wire is a basic premise of a technology which is used to create mental prisons of torment and torture by ruthless and totalitarian governments and organizations. In the midst of 21st Century Earth civilization, the police state of North Korea is an example of a country running what could be called the early stages of many entrapment wires into the minds of its own population. The developed version is a physical wire which extends from a bio mechanical computer into the spinal cord of the patient, or in most cases, the prisoner. The wire then feeds various nervous system stimuli, including intrusive thoughts, propaganda, psychoactive drugs, and other methods of torture from the machine directly into the prisoner's nervous system.

Free Will Simulator - To further enhance the already powerful effects of an installed entrapment wire, a sub-program administered using specific psychoactive drugs and thought patterns called a free will simulator is used on the patient or prisoner. This gives the patient or prisoner a fully believable real-time illusion which states that everything currently happening to them, all they feel and all that they currently experience... is being done according to their own free will. In other words, they feel and carry 100% responsibility for everything that is happening to them in that moment, even if they are actually at no fault of their own, and even if what is happening results in their own torment, torture, interrogation, or incrimination. This could have drastic implications for personal testimony in the court system.

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